Friday, October 29, 2010

One truly Amazing Recording - "Stand By Me"

"Stand By Me" - AWESOME!!!!

This is a video of non-professional street singers from around the world being recorded, overlayed and mixed with one another while singing the song "Stand By Me".

It is a marvel to listen to and watch. They all deserved to be heard. The finished product is truly amazing!
So turn up the speaker volume and 

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協奏曲( Concerto)  


Prevention of Dementia (癡呆) - FOR ALL AGES ! - START EARLY !!

This is not just an email for the elderly!


Aging occurs for all of us.  Practicing the suggestions below may help us all to live younger, healthier, and happier lives.




To help ward off dementia, train your brain: *The minute you said you are retired, Dementia starts !!


Timing is everything, comedians say. It's also important when it comes to taking care of your brain. Yet most of us start worrying about dementia after retirement - and that may be too little, too late. Experts say that if you really want to ward off dementia, you need to start taking care of your brain in your 30s and or even earlier.


"More and more research is suggesting that lifestyle is very important to your brain's health," says Dr Paul Nussbaum,  a  neuropsychologist and an adjunct associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine  "If you want to live a long, healthy life, then many of us need to start as early as we can.


"So what can you do to beef up your brain – and  possibly ward off dementia?"


Dr Nussbaum, who recently gave a speech on the topic for the Winter Park (Fla.) Health Foundation, offers 20 tips that may help.


1.*Join clubs or organizations that need volunteers*..

If you start volunteering now, you won't feel lost and unneeded after you retire.


2.*Develop a hobby or two*.

Hobbies help you develop a robust brain because you're trying something new and complex.


3.*Practice writing with your non-dominant hand several minutes every day*.

This will exercise the opposite side of your brain and fire up those neurons.


4.*Take dance lessons*.

In a study of nearly 500 people, dancing was the only regular physical activity associated with a significant decrease in the incidence of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. The people who danced three or four times a week showed 76% less incidence of dementia than those who danced only once a week or not at all.


5.Need a hobby? *Start gardening*.

Researchers in New Zealand found that, of 1,000 people, those who gardened regularly were less likely to suffer from dementia. Not only does gardening reduce stress, but gardeners use their brains to plan garden they use visual and spatial reasoning to lay out a garden.


6.*Buy a pedometer and walk 10,000 steps a day*.

Walking daily can reduce the risk of dementia because cardio vascular health is important to maintain blood flow to the brain.


7.*Read and write daily*.

Reading stimulates a wide variety of brain areas that process and store information. Likewise, writing (not copying) stimulates many areas of the brain as well.


8.*Start knitting*.

Using both hands works both sides of your brain. And it's a stress reducer...


9.*Learn a new language*.

Whether it's a foreign language or sign language, you are working your brain by making it go back and forth between one language and the other. A researcher  in England found that being bilingual seemed to delay symptoms of Alzheimer's disease for four years.  (And some research suggests that the earlier a child learns sign language, the higher his IQ - and people with high IQs are less likely to have dementia. So start them early.)


10.*Play board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly*.

Not only are you taxing your brain, you're socializing too. (Playing solo games, such as solitaire or online computer brain games can be helpful, but Dr Nussbaum prefers games that encourage you to socialize too.) *MAHJONG IS GOOD!* besides which there is the incentive of $$$.


11.*Take classes throughout your lifetime*.

Learning produces structural and chemical changes in the brain, and education appears to help people live longer. Brain researchers have found that people with advanced degrees live longer - and if they do have Alzheimer's, it often becomes apparent only in the very later stages of the disease.


12.*Listen to classical music*.

A growing volume of research suggests that music may hardwire the brain, building links between the two hemispheres.  Any kind of music may work, but there's some research that shows positive effects for classical music, though researchers don't understand why.


13.*Learn a musical instrument*.

It may be harder than it was when you were a kid, but you'll be developing a dormant part of your brain.



When you travel (whether it's to a distant vacation spot or on a different route across town), you're forcing your brain to navigate a new and complex environment. A study of London taxi drivers found experienced drivers had larger brains because they have to store lots of  information about locations and how to navigate there.



Daily prayer appears to help your immune system. And people who attend a formal worship service regularly live longer and report happier, healthier lives.


16. *Learn to meditate*.

It's important for your brain that you learn to shut out the stresses of everyday life.


17.*Get enough sleep*.

Studies have shown a link between interrupted sleep and dementia.


18.*Eat more foods containing omega-3 fatty acids*:

Salmon, sardines, tuna, ocean trout, mackerel or herring, plus walnuts (which are higher in omega 3s than salmon) and flaxseed. Flaxseed oil, cod liver oil and walnut oil are good sources too.


19.*Eat more fruits and vegetables*.

Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables mop up some of the damage caused by free radicals, one of the leading killers of brain cells.


20.*Eat at least one meal a day with family and friends*.

You'll slow down, socialize, and research shows you'll eat healthier food than if you ate alone or on the go.


21.*In addition, I think receiving and distributing e-mails every day helps the brain function and exercise !!*

purple basil 紫蘇 (Japanese call it 延命草)

有網友告知 "Taste International" in Hong Kong sells this 紫蘇.  

近期「紅透」話題之一 ----------> 清明上河圖電子版

���去 World Expo 或�唔到ticket睇下�月�HK�"A版" 清明上河��子��版?!  �就睇吓以下的�子版, 都非常正!



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

什麼叫奢華? 請參考楊尚昆的孫子

 真係誇張! 可比美中東油國王子!

How's your day going?

There I was is sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.

"Well, whatcha gonna do about it?" he says, menacingly, as I burst into tears.

"Come on, man," the biker says, "I didn't think you'd CRY. I can`t stand to see a man crying."

"This is the worst day of my life," I say. "I'm a complete failure.  I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me.  When I went to the parking lot,  I found my car had been stolen and I don't have any insurance.  I left my wallet in the cab I took home.  I found my old lady in bed with the gardener, and then my dog bit me."

"So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all, I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here watching the poison dissolve.  Then you, you jack-ass, show up and drink the whole thing!  But enough about me, how's your day going?"

[水]...��喝可以治病 ...[.水] 是最好的药 - 必看 (websites on Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelid at the bottom of msg)

一�震�世界的����  ,     [水] ��喝可以治病.


(美)F. 巴特曼博士





本文作者 F・巴特曼博士是亚力山大佛莱明 -- 盘尼西林发现者和诺贝尔奖得主的学生,他将毕生精力致力于研究水的治疗作用。他不用药,仅用水,就治愈了3000多名患者。本书总结了作者几十年的研究成果。他发现水可以治疗:

l         心脏病和中风,因为水能稀释血液,有效地预防心脑血管阻塞;

l         骨质疏松症,因为水能使成长过程中的骨骼变得更加坚固;

l         白血病和淋巴瘤,因为水能够将氧输送进细胞,而癌细胞具有厌氧的特征;

l         高血压,因为水是最好的天然利尿剂;

l         糖尿病,因为水能够增加身体内色氨酸的含量;  

l         失眠,因为水能够产生天然的睡眠调节物质——褪黑激素;

l         抑郁症,因为水能使身体以天然的方式增加血清素的供应;





                             老黄 2007-10

1   新的医学理念




l         水进入身体后是怎样运行的?

l         水在身体内究竟起着怎样至关重要的作用?

l         身体缺水还有没有其他的信号和表征?





















2  水是最好的药之基础

l         身体水份调节与干渴管理机制的重要特征之一,使身体机能受到严密的监控。任何器官获得的水分份额,都不会超过它自身的需要。器官获得水分的多少,取决于其运行功能和特性。和其他所有的系统相比,大脑具有绝对的获取水分优先权。

l         人们都会对干渴和饥饿做出反应,以为二者都是饥饿导致的。但是人们总是吃固体东西,只有身体需要消化过剩的食物,导致干渴的感觉逐渐占据上风时,才会喝些水。在这种情况下,身体的缺水过程,可能会进入一种持续发展的阶段,以致会以一个适应机制逐渐形成和巩固下来。这一过程,将会破坏干渴管理机制,致使身体无法通过有效的干渴感觉表达对水的需求。也就是说,如果你喝的水越多,你的口渴感就会越敏锐,你喝的水越少,你的口渴感就越迟钝。

l         茶、咖啡、葡萄酒和饮料不能代替身体所需的天然水。因为,这些饮料固然含有水分,但也含有脱水因子,特别是咖啡因和酒类。这些物质不仅会清除溶解它们的水分,还会清除身体额外的水分。当你喝咖啡、茶或啤酒时,身体消耗的水分,总是多于这些饮料含有的水分。假如你喝完饮料后测量一下尿液,你就会发现你排出的尿超过饮料的量。

l         当人体处于脱水状态时,它就会将当前所剩的水分重新分配。在人体内部,某些区域水分供应不足,就会发出警报。当干渴管理机制发生作用时,人体仅存的水分将会得到调配,并在需要时使用,这会使人体的整体运行机制发生改变 开始生病。

l       如人体长期脱水,会导致依赖水分的机体功能暂时关闭或休眠,因为身体需要将所剩不多的水分储存起来,以便度过困难期。进而身体脱水的程度越来越严重,某些器官和功能的承受力就会达到极限。这时,身体最活跃的组织和器官,将首先发出特定的信号,并且通知我们:身体已经进入严重缺水状态 慢性病出现。

l       当身体的干渴管理机制发出一系列危机信号时,意味着身体某个区域处于干渴状态,此时,只要增加水分供应,就可以缓解不利局面。但实际上,我们从医生哪里获得的往往是大量的化学药物。因为绝大多数的医生并不了解脱水的症状,不清楚水在身体里的重要性,只能用药物而不是水来解决这些症状,最终的结果是:制药企业越来越富有,病人却没有得到治疗,医生面对身体出现的各种慢性病束手无策。

l       药物治疗只能暂时消除身体缺水的各种危机信号,对人体细胞(包括基因细胞)却有害无益。长期脱水,会使身体机能的活跃性和有效性彻底丧失,即便是药物也不能起到任何作用,这种可怕的情形,还将传递到下一代身上。如果一种疾病的根源是脱水,人体的感应机制就会遭到破坏,在下一代人的体内就难以形成对抗缺水状态的内在机制。特别是哮喘症、过敏症、胃灼热等疾病,都可通过补水来进行预防,并且只有这样,在我们自己以及下一代人的身上,某些疾病才不会产生。

l       蛋白质和酶这两种物质,在低粘稠度的溶剂里效率更高。只有周围的水分充足,它们才能够高速扩散和运转。如果溶剂因细胞内缺水而产生高粘稠度,那么,蛋白质和酶在细胞内部的运转效率就会迅速降低。

l       老年人身体水分不足的问题十分突出,他们每10年身体的水分平均丧失3.5~6,这是一种巨大的损失。而且,依赖口渴的感觉会引起长时间脱水,主要是引起细胞内部脱水,结果导致生产神经传递素的“工厂”体内的氨基酸大量丧失。因为随着年龄的增长,细胞内的水分含量,将逐渐少于细胞外的水分含量,细胞内部的水分逐渐流失,将导致水渗透平衡被完全打破,细胞的吸水性能和储水性能将会逐步丧失,这就是开始干瘪!


l       仅仅依赖干渴的感觉做出判断,等到口渴才开始喝水,只会带来严重的后果。等待口渴,意味着忍受疼痛和提前死亡。

















































4  身体缺水就会生病


























B 缺水病症的进一步说明

1, 哮喘和过敏





Excerpts from the book:

"When the human body developed from species that were given life in water, the same dependence on the life-giving properties of water was inherited. The role of water in the body of living species - mankind included - has not changed since the first creation of life from salt water and its subsequent adaption to fresh water."

"Since the water we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the effeciency of cell activity. (...) As a result, chronic dehydration causes symptoms that equal disease when the variety of emergency signals of dehydration are not understood."

"The human body has a major problem with its normal water regulation, caused by a gradual loss of thirst sensation. This problem is confronted often enough in clinical practice that it does not need explanation. However, The Lancet editorial of 3 November 1984 and the 20 September 1984 article by Paddy Phillips [should] remove any doubt on the issue."

"Humans seems to lose their thirst sensation and the critical perception of needing water. Not recognising their need for water, they gradually become increasingly and chronically dehydrated with the progress of age. Further confusion lies in the idea that when we're thirsty, we can substitute tea, coffee, or alcohol-containing beverages. This is a common error."

"Not recognising the thirst signals of the body will undoubtedly produce complicated problems in the present way of treatment of these conditions. It is all too easy to assume these signals are complications of a serious disease process and begin to treat signal-producing dehydration with complicated procedures. Although water by itself will alleviate the condition, medications or invasive diagnostic procedures may be forced on the person. It is the responsibility of both patients and their doctors to be aware of the damage that chronic dehydration can cause in the human body."

"These chronic pains include dyspeptic pain, rheumatoid arthritis pain, anginal pain (heart pain on walking, or even at rest), migraine and hangover headaches, colitis pain and its associated constipation. 
The "view shift" dictates that all these pains should be treated with a regular adjustment to daily water intake. No less than two and a half quarts (two and one half litres) in 24 hours should be taken for a few days prior to the routine and regular use of analgesics or other pain-relieving medications."

"If the problem has persisted for many years, those who wish to test the pain relieving property of water should make sure their kidneys can make sufficient urine so that they do not retain too much water in the body. Urine output should be measured against water intake. With an increase in water intake, the urine output should also increase."

"It has been shown experimentally that, when we drink one glass of water, it immediately passes into the intestine and is absorbed. However, within one half-hour, almost the same amount of water is secreted into the stomach through its glandular layer in the mucosa. It swells from underneath and gets to the stomach, ready to be used for food breakdown. The acid is poured on the food, enzymes are activated, and the food is broken down into a homogenised fluid state that can pass into the intestine for the next phase of digestion.
The mucus covers the glands' layer of the mucusa, which is the innermost layer of the structure of the stomach. Mucus consists of 98 percent water and two percent the physical "scaffolding" that traps water.

"It is said that ulcers are the result of infections. My researched opinion is that the variety of curved bacteria, blamed for causing ulcerations, are commensals - that is, bacteria that naturally dwell in the intestines. They may take an unfair advantage from the immune system suppression that is the direct outcome of dehydration. You see, the normal intestinal bacteria cohabit with us and produce much of the vitamins needed by the body. They contribute to our well-being when we are strong. In dehydration, particularly at the site of the valve between the stomach and the duodenum, many histamine producing nerves exist. This particular curved bacterium benefits from the growth hormone effects of histamine, at the same time that these nerves are restrictively monitoring the rate of flow of the strongly acidic content of the stomach into the intestine."

Colitis pain
"Colitis pain, felt in the lower left part of the abdomen, should initially be viewed as another thirst signal for the human body. It is often associated with constipation, itself caused by persistent dehydration.
One of the main functions of the large intestine is the process of taking water out of the excrements so that too much of it is not lost in the waste matter after food digestion. When there is dehydration, the residue is naturally devoid of the normal amount of water necessary for its easier passage. Also, by slowing down the flow and further squeezing the content, even the final drops of water will be drawn away from the solid residue in the large gut. Thus, constipation will become a complication of dehydration in the body. With added food intake, more solid waste will be packed into the intestine and increase the burden for passage of its hardened waste content. This process will cause pain. Colitis pain should initially be considered as a thirst signal of the body. With adequate water intake, the left lower abdominal pain that is associated with constipation will disappear. Eating an apple, a pear, or an orange in the evenings helps reduce constipation the next day."

"When we drink water, depending on the volume of water that enters the stomach, a hormone/neurotransmitter called "motilin" is secreted. The more water we drink, the more motilin is produced by the intestinal tract and can be measured in blood circulation. The effect of motilin on the intestinal tract, as its name implies, is to produce rhythmic contractions of the intestines - peristalsis - from its upper parts to its lower end. Part of this action would involve the timely opening and closing of the valves that are in the way of flow of the intestinal content.
Thus, when there is enough water in the body for all the digestive processes that depend on the availability of water, the pancreas will produce its watery bicarbonate solution to prepare the upper part of the intestinal tract to receive the ecidic content of the stomach. Under such ideal circumstances, the pyloric valve is also allowed to open for the evacuation of the content of the stomach. Motilin has a major "transmission" role in co-ordinating this action. Motilin is a satiety hormone secreted when water extends the stomach wall."

How much water?
"Your body needs an absolute minimum of six to eight-ounce glasses of water a day.
[ 8 ounces is equivalent to app. 2,25 deciliter ]
Alcohol, coffee, tea, and caffeine-containing beverages don't count as water.
The best times to drink water (clinically observed in peptic ulcer disease) are: one glass one half hour before taking food - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and a similar amount two and one half hours after each meal. This is the very minimum amount of water your body needs. For the sake of not short-changing your body, two more glasses of water should be taken around the heaviest meal or before going to bed.
Thirst should be satisfied at all times. With increase in water intake, the thirst mechanism becomes more efficient. Your body might then ask you to drink more than the above minimum.
Adjusting water intake to mealtimes prevents the blood from becoming concentrated as a result of food intake. When the blood becomes concentrated, it draws water from the cells around it.
Water is the cheapest form of medicine to a dehydrated body. (...) There is more natural magic in a glass of water than any medication you are brain-washed to use for the treatment of the conditions I have explained in this book. And I do not sell water!"

"Salt is an essential ingredient of the body. In their order of importance, oxygen, water, salt and potassium are the primary elements for the survival of the human body. (...)
The precation to keep in mind is loss of salt from the body when water intake is increased and salt intake is not. After a few days of taking six or eight or ten glasses of water a day, you should begin to think of adding some salt to your diet. If you begin to feel muscle cramps at night, remember you are becoming salt-deficient. Cramps in unexercised muscles most often means salt shortage in the body. Also, dizziness and feeling faint might be indicators of salt and water shortage in the body. If such occasions arise, you should also begin to increase your vitamins and minerals intake, including vegetables and fruits for ther water-soluble vitamin and mineral content.
I have developed a rule of thumb for daily salt intake. For every ten glasses of water (about two quarts), one should add to the diet about half a teaspoon of salt per day. An average teaspoon can contain six grammes of salt."